
You know how it's always so good to see familiar people when your miles away from home?  Well just two days after we checked in, we had Iowa guests - and they're family!  My cousin Carolyn and her husband John stopped by late morning to check out our condo and compare road trips.  Since they were on their way to South Padre, we knew they would be stopping, and with the help of cell phones, it was easy to direct them to our location.  We were so excited to see them and show them our cute little condo!

John and Carolyn had actually left one day before us, but here they were arriving two days after us, due to different travel plans. They had stopped in Arkansas for a couple of days to visit John's sister. Luckily for them, they didn't experience any ice or snow like we did.  Instead they were hit with a few tornado warnings!  Thank goodness they missed them!

So being the lovely hostess I am (cough! cough!) I had the coffee pot on and even a plate of donuts to serve!  Impressive, huh?  Well the truth is I selfishly had bought the donuts for myself!  And, believe it or not, I had eaten all but four of them when I realized that hey, it might be a good idea to save these for our guests!  Luckily Jer passed so John could have two!

After a bit of chit chat, it was soon time for lunch, so we ventured down to Pier 99.  Since it was such a nice day, and we were tired of being inside back home in Iowa, we selected outdoor seating, and it did not disappoint.  From our table we enjoyed the soft breeze, the hum of the gulf waves, and a fantastic view of the USS Lexington.  That ship is huge!  At one time it housed 3,000 people!  That's more than the entire population of Avoca!  Amazing!

It was fascinating to watch all the activity on the USS Lexington.  The aircraft were perched on the top as if they were ready for battle and numerous sailors manned the ship.  Unfortunately, someone must of required medical attention, as an ambulance pulled up to the ship's ground level and was lifted to the top by some sort of elevator system.  It was interesting to watch, but we hope whoever needed assistance was alright.

Margaritas were listed as the specialty drink of the day so of course Carolyn and I had to have one!  We all had seafood and it was unanimous - Jer's catch of the day burger was the best!

Mental notes of the day-
1)  we must come back to see the USS Lexington
2) catch of the day burger is a good choice
3)  margarita- maybe not. (but what do you expect at $2 each!)
4)  we'll have to try other Texan margaritas before we totally rule them out!  lol!


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